Isabel & Tony
Our first date was unexpectedly amazing; we met and seemed to be on the same page from the get-go. The more we talked, the more we discovered how much we had in common – feelings, personalities and just the right levels of crazy. I knew from that first date and kiss that we would be seeing each other again – and for a long time afterwards. Indeed, after that first date I drew Isabel a cartoon of a blue dragon and sent it to her the very next day – she was impressed as it was part of our conversation that night, so showed I’d actually listened to her.
We vowed to take it slowly and not jeopardise things by moving too fast – but 2 months later we were looking at houses together; a few months after that, I proposed. That was about four years ago, and now, we are not only married and perfectly matched, but we have the most beautiful two year-old son. Thanks eharmony – you saved us both.